Tempo Vancouver

Tempo Vancouver

Design Team: Hamia Aghaei Meibodi, Mania Aghaei Meibodi, Emad Kashfi, Navaz Fouldazari, Reza Askari

Visualization: Emad Kashfi Studio

Location: Vancouver, Canada

Status: Competition - People Choice Award Winner

Year: 2014

The Tempo Pavilion is a proposal for temporary structure at Vancouver 2014, symbolizing the characters of our contemporary society. h e speed, change, transformation and integration. When moving along the structure, the form is in constant transformation. The images conceived change depending on speed of movement. It is a form that embodies time, space and movement at the same time. The Tempo Pavilion engages both mind and body of the visitors. Its two wings act as urban furniture providing sitting, leaning and laying down. h e middle network of strings invite people to interact and connect. Beside physical engagement, people are engaged with one another through string network visually. The connection is not planned but accidental and informal. As viewers are looking at string networks, their eyes will meet accidentally. h is medium is in constant change, as one moves the images conceived would change; depending on the speed of movement and vision height. While a social and educational medium, it is an interactive playground for children. The shape of overall form is designed to meet the public space and circulation.