Taiwan Tower

Taiwan Tower

Architect: Plateau Architcets

Supervisor: Navaz Fouladzari

Architects in charge: Emad Kashfi, Nersi Naghikhani

Location: Taiwan

Status: Competition

Year: 2011

The whole Idea came from Bamboo itself, from the 300 meters high tower to the lower parts. The goal was to create a building adjacent to the 21st century design and technology, yet using the very preliminary methods of structure and design in China. Bamboo itself shaped all the three buildings. Approaching the site from distance the tower seems like an organic giant plant itself while the museum works as a solid platform for it. As the viewer gets closer the Bamboo façade of the low-rise buildings is recognized making them less solid and more friendly while the bambooish module differs as it flows over the buildings. Going forth with the design process the cellular section of bamboo gave the idea of forming an outer layer giving an organic character to the project. The idea is to create the layer with bamboo itself, supported by a parallel steel mesh and finally connected to the concrete core while the inner face is covered with the very flexible and light ETFE. Considering these materials the total weight of the tower comes to a minimum, strengthening it against earthquakes and typhoons.