Design City

Design City

Collaboration with Saman Sayar

Location: Tehran, Iran

Status: Competition

Year: 2019

The eight-kilometer covered space on the Tehran-Tabriz railway line, 60 meters wide could be a very important district of Tehran. This passage begins from the eastern neighborhoods of the 17th district and passes through the west to the center of the 17th district, one of the most tumultuous Tehran regional centers, and then joins the Tehran City Furniture Market with the function of the urban, metropolitan and national levels. Then it goes to industrial zone west of Tehran, which in our proposal will be the place of the world-class activities in Tehran. Our suggestions for the gentrification of this district to the Design City: 1. Strengthening and regenerating residential areas in the domain of influence through the link between the neighborhood and the up-tunnel space, as a public space among residential neighborhoods. 2. Creation of commerce-active spaces in residential and non-residential areas for linking this axis to the commerce-active center of district 17, Yaftabad furniture market and indexation of the border of the 9th and 18th districts. 3. Revitalizing a layer of trees and green space within and around the axis. 4. Functional and spatial link to the Rahahan Square and other major axes of Tehran such as Kargar, Valiasr and Besat with the focus of pedestrians and bicycles, as well as the vehicle connection to the mentioned areas. 5. Creating a light rail line (Tram-line) above the tunnel, both as a monument to remind the spirit of the place and the access of neighborhoods around the railway. 6. Creating urban platforms along the axis, at appropriate distances, at the important points of the line, or at the beginning and end of them, for engaging the residents for public activities and holding various events. 7. Activation and development of abandoned areas and turning them into spaces for producing, displaying and presenting ideas and design (Design District), for the young generation. 8. Designing and providing spaces in urban, national and global scales, along the way, with themes centered for the youth such as Creative Industry, Tehran Arena, Tehran Media Center.